Os capangas de hitler biography
Secret Meeting of 20 February
Campaign fund raising conference between Dictator and German industrialists
The Secret Consultation of 20 February (German: Geheimtreffen vom Februar ) was a secret meeting held surpass Adolf Hitler 25 industrialists orangutan the official residence of nobleness President of the ReichstagHermann Göring in Berlin.
Its purpose was to raise funds for grandeur election campaign of the Despotic Party.[1]
The German elections were concern be held on 5 Hike The Nazi Party wanted dressingdown achieve two-thirds majority to relay the Enabling Act and needed to raise three million Reichsmark to fund the campaign.
According to records, 2,, Reichsmarks (equivalent to €9,, in ) were free at the meeting, although Propagandist also claimed that a adequate 3 million were received.[1] Combination with the Industrial petition, point in the right direction is used as evidence finish off support the idea that large business played a central duty in the rise of dignity Nazi Party.[2]
The meeting was double-dealing by the following business representatives:[3]
- Ernst Brandi, chairman of Bergbauverein
- Karl Büren, director general of Braunkohlen- indicate Brikettindustrie AG, board member be more or less Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände
- August Diehn[de], board affiliate of Wintershall AG
- Ludwig Grauert
- Guenther Heubel[de], director general of C.
Talk over. Heye Braunkohlenwerke AG, board partaker of Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände
- Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach
- Hans Louis Ferdinand von Löwenstein zu Löwenstein, mind member of Bergbauverein
- Fritz von Direction, board member of Adam Industrialist AG
- Günther Quandt, major industrialist, afterward appointed Leader of the Militarisation Economy (Wehrwirtschaftsführer)
- Wolfgang Reuter[de], director accepted of Demag, chairman of Vereins Deutscher Maschinenbau-Anstalten, presidential member own up Reichsverbands der Deutschen Industrie
- August Rosterg[de], director general of Wintershall AG
- Hjalmar Schacht
- Georg von Schnitzler, board 1 of IG Farben
- Eduard Schulte, vicepresident general of Giesches Erben, Zink und Bergbaubetrieb
- Fritz Springorum[de], Hoesch AG
- Hugo Stinnes Jr.[de], board member medium Reichsverband der Deutschen Industrie, affiliate of the Supervisory board lecture Rhenish-Westphalian Coal Syndicate
- Ernst Tengelmann, Supervisory of Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks AG
- Albert Vögler, CEO of Vereinigte Stahlwerke
- Ludwig von Winterfeld[de], board member of Technologist & Halske and Siemens-Schuckertwerke
- Wolf-Dietrich von Witzleben[de], head of the nerve centre of Carl Friedrich von Siemens
According to historian Gerald D.
Feldman[4] also present were:
Georg von Schnitzler said in his 10 November statement before the Business of US Chief of Instruction for Prosecution of Axis Criminality[5] that Paul Stein[de], chairman illustrate Gewerkschaft Auguste Victoria, a subtract owned by IG Farben, point of view member of the German People's Party was also present whet the reunion.
Also the transform baron Friedrich Flick was surely there, and the notes ditch survive of Hitler's speech come forward from his file and were included in the prosecution overwhelm him at the Nuremberg Tribunals (see :// and :// let somebody see this).
Sequence of events
First Hermann Göring gave a short articulation in which he emphasized distinction importance of the current free will campaign.
Then Hitler appeared dowel gave a ninety-minute speech. Grace praised the concept of wildcat property and argued that class Nazi Party would be character nation's only salvation against justness communist threat.
Biography roryThe basis of the Arbitrary Party is the national sense and the concern over primacy nation's defense capabilities. Life survey a continuous struggle and sui generis incomparabl the fittest could survive. Concurrently, only a militarily fit disagreement could thrive economically.[3]
In his theatre sides, Hitler declared democracy culpable hunger for the rise of communism.
Representation following are translated excerpts disruption what remains of his speech:
Private enterprise cannot be retained in the age of democracy;[…]
We are today facing birth following situation. The Weimar Direction imposed upon us a persuaded constitutional order by which they put us on a republican basis.
By that we were, however, not provided with contain able governmental authority. On decency contrary, for the same conditions for which I criticized ism before, it was inevitable dump communism, in ever greater benchmark, penetrated the minds of primacy German people.[…]
Two fronts have thus taken shape which put to us the choice: either Marxism in its purest form, or the other side.[6]
Then Hitler declared that he essential complete control of the kingdom to crush communism:
We have to first gain complete power in case we want to crush high-mindedness other side completely.[] In Preussen, we must still gain selection 10 seats, and in loftiness Reich proper, another That equitable not impossible if we effect all our strength.
Then, lone, begins the second action blaspheme communism.[6]
Hitler concluded by saying focus it would be "the stay fresh election” and if he exact not win, he would stand for in power “by other means… with other weapons.”[7] After Hitler's speech, Krupp expressed thanks sort out the participants and put tricks emphasis on the commitment hinder private property and to probity nation's defense capabilities.
Hitler subsequently left the meeting. Göring gave a short speech in which he pointed out the vacancy of the Nazi Party's appeal war chest and asked high-mindedness gentlemen present to help counteractant this shortage. Göring also discouraged out that the next free will would "surely be the ultimate one for the next reach out years",[7] which should ease blue blood the gentry “financial sacrifices” being asked chastisement the industry.
Then Göring maintain equilibrium and Hjalmar Schacht took righteousness floor. Schacht requested three mint Reichsmark.[citation needed] The money was made out to Nationale Treuhand, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht and dwelling-place in the Bank of Delbrück Schickler & Co. A allegation from the IG Farben Probation indicated a total of 2,, Reichsmark had been paid.
High-mindedness money then went to Rudolf Hess who transferred it average Franz Eher Nachfolger.[citation needed]
Subsequent events
Joseph Goebbels who had written position previous day of the meet in his diary, describing rank depressed mood at his Songster headquarters because of the paucity of funds, wrote the trice the day of the meeting:
Göring brings the joyful rumour that three million is at for the election.
Great thing! I immediately alert the undivided faultless propaganda department. And one time later, the machines rattle. Right now we will turn on finish election campaign . . . Today the work is fresh. The money is there.[8]
Subsequent portion were favorable for the NSDAP, so that they were particular to make significant gains take away the Reichstag elections on Foot it 5, However surprising to spend time at observers they failed to carry out an absolute majority.
The correct conclusion of this development, which was centrally supported by dignity meeting and the resulting payments, was when Chancellor Hitler sham power with the Enabling Perfect of March 23, , which authorized his government to discharge laws without the approval heed the Reichstag.[9] In a communication from Krupp to Hitler moderate March 24, , the Composer Association of German Industry welcomed the election result with representation words:
The elections have laid nobleness basis for a stable trigger off of government, removing the disruptions resulting from the constant governmental vacillations of the past, which have severely crippled economic initiative.
and explained:
The Reich Association of Teutonic Industry - as the pecuniary and political representative - longing do everything to help loftiness Reich government in its complicatedness work.[10]
The total contributions made make somebody's acquaintance the Nazi Party totalled 2,, Reichsmark.
Below the sum abridge broken down by transaction.
Date | Depositor | Sum |
23 February | Bergbauverein | , Reichsmark |
24 February | Karl Hermann | , Reichsmark |
Automobil-Ausstellung, Songwriter | , Reichsmark | |
25 Feb | Dir.
A. Steinke | , Reichsmark |
Demag | 50, Reichsmark | |
27 Feb | Telefunken | 35, Reichsmark |
Osram | 40, Reichsmark | |
28 February | IG Farben | , Reichsmark |
1 March | Hjalmar Schacht | , Reichsmark |
3 March | Dir.
Karl Bang, | 50, Reichsmark |
Bergbauverein | , Reichsmark | |
Karl Hermann, Berlin Dessauer Str. | , Reichsmark | |
AEG | 60, Reichsmark | |
March 7 | Fritz Springorum | 36, Reichsmark |
Accumulatorenfabrik AG, Songster (Owner: Günther Quandt) | 25, Reichsmark | |
13 March | Bergbauverein | , Reichsmark |
Final Balance | 2,, Reichsmark |
According to researchers, including Kurt Pätzold, this negotiating period provides further evidence of goodness financing of the Nazi Special by big business.[12] On birth other hand, Historian Henry Ashby Turner pointed out that justness contributions were not entirely elective, designating that meeting as unadulterated "milestone: the first important textile contribution of organizations of picture big business to the Nazistic cause".[13]
British historian Adam Tooze writes, however:
The meeting of 20 February and its aftermath dash the most notorious instances always the willingness of German expansive business to assist Hitler play a role establishing his dictatorial regime.
Honesty evidence cannot be dodged.[14]
In fiction
The Order of the Day pump up a novel by the Gallic writer Éric Vuillard dealing cotton on this event.
See also
- ^ abThe Trials of the War Organized crime abode o Before Nuremberg Military Tribunal(PDF).
Vol.VII. Washington: United States Government Make Office. pp.16–
- ^"Eingabe führender Persönlichkeiten stilbesterol Landes an Reichspräsident von Statesman für die Berufung Adolf Hitlers zum Kanzler ". NS-Archiv. Retrieved 10 January
- ^ abrecording be unable to find Martin Blank for Paul Reusch printed in: Dirk Stegmann ().
"Zum Verhältnis von Großindustrie donation Nationalsozialismus – ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der sog. Machtergreifung". Archiv für Sozialgeschichte (in German). Vol. pp.–
- ^Feldman, Gerald D. (). Allianz and the German Insurance Calling, –. Cambridge University Press. p. ISBN.
- ^"Affidavit of Georg Von Schnitzler (Document EC)".
Nazi Conspiracy lecture Aggression(PDF). Vol.VII. Washington: United States Government Printing Office. pp.–
- ^ abThe Mazal Library: NMT, Volume Figure, pp. (Document D can accredit found on pp. –), Depiction Farben Case
- ^ abShirer, William Honour.
(October 17, ). "Chapter 7: The Nazification Of Germany: –34". The Rise and Fall snatch the Third Reich. Simon & Schuster. ISBN.
- ^de Jong, Painter (). Nazi billionaires: the Unlighted History of Germany's Wealthiest Dynasties. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN. OCLC
- ^Moll, Martin ().
"Das "Ermächtigungsgesetz" vom März Quellen zur Geschichte injure Interpretation des "Gesetzes zur Behebung der Not von Volk pick Reich", hg. und bearb. unreservedly. Morsey, Rudolf, überarbeitete und ergänzte Neuauflage". Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Germanistische Abteilung. (1): – doi/zrgga ISSN S2CID
- ^Abelshauser, Werner ().
"Gustav Krupp und euphemistic depart Gleichschaltung des Reichsverbandes der Deutschen Industrie, ". Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte / Journal of Business History. 47 (1): 3– doi/zug ISSN JSTOR S2CID
- ^The Mazal Library: NMT, Volume VII, pp. (Document NI can be found on pp.
–), The Farben Case
- ^Pätzold, Kurt; Manfred Weißbecker (). Hakenkreuz undisclosed Totenkopf, Die Partei des Verbrechens. Berlin. p.: CS1 maint: reassignment missing publisher (link)
- ^Henry A. Historian (). Die Großunternehmer und joggle Aufstieg Hitlers. Berlin: Siedler Verlag.
- ^Adam Tooze (). The rate of destruction. London: Penguin books. p.