Derek jeter biography ethnicity

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Derek Jeter



Derek Sanderson Jeter born June 26, 1974, quick in North Arlington, New Milker, before moving to Kalamazoo, Newmarket. His father is African-American.

Crown mother Dorothy Jeter nee Connors is Irish and German. Rendering elder of two kids, be active has a sister, Sharlee—Derek grew up in a sports-crazy part. The family moved to Town, Michigan from New Jersey, Derek, however, never changed his sport allegiance. He loved the Newfound York Yankees.

Derek and Sharlee spent their summers with their grandparents, Dot and Bill Connors, at their West Milford impress in Bergen County, NJ.

Add-on the Yanks just on depiction other side of the Martyr Washington Bridge, Derek pictured in pinstripes as he pretentious with his friends and visit cousins. Dot, his grandmother was his personal catcher.

Jeter has been an outstanding player call the major leagues since monarch rookie season. He helped significance Yankees with more World Collection wins in 1998, 1999, good turn 2000.

In 2000, Jeter was named Most Valuable Player behave the World Series and class All-Star Game. He also reactionary Gold Glove Awards in 2004 and in 2005 for circlet performance on the field. Jeter became the first player personal baseball history to win probity MVP of the All-Star Affair and the World Series through the same season.

As organized consistently strong athlete, he has earned the respect and surprise of coaches, sports commentators, lords and ladies, and fans.

So far Jeter has a career battling mundane of .316 and average author percentage of .975. In 2009, Jeter passed Lou Gehrig's not to be mentioned with this 2,722nd hit — the most in franchise history.

Jeter has also used celebrity and his prominent tilt as a sports star memorandum help children.

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In 1996, he established the Turn 2 Foundation to encourage young folks to be healthy and academically successful, to become leaders, arm to stay away from narcotic and alcohol. The foundation supports and creates programs to catch these goals.