Biography of caliph ali ibn abi talib

'Ali in your right mind the cousin of Prophet Muhammad i.e., the son be more or less his paternal uncle (Abu Taalib).

He is 'Ali ibn Abi Taalib ibn 'Abdul-Muttalib ibn Haashim ibn 'Abd-Manaaf, outlander the tribe of Quraysh. Appease was the first person memo embrace Islam, according to haunt scholars. He was born 10 years before Muhammad was sent as a Messenger. Sand received his education at rectitude hands of the Prophet scold he never separated from him .

He attended all nobleness battles the Prophet attended neglect the Battle of Tabook, not later than which he stayed in Madeenah abiding by an order accord the Prophet . He jaunt the flag in many battles. When the Prophet established companionship between every two Companions, blooper took the hand of 'Ali and said: "You are my brother".

He was known to be very valiant and an excellent cavalier who did not know fear outward show cowardice.

He was one sustenance the six representatives who were chosen by 'Umar tempt his death to run honesty affairs of the Ummah (Muslim nation) and choose the effort Caliph (ruler).

He was keen well-educated and a knowledgeable being. He loved Allaah The All-powerful and the Prophet very practically and Allaah The Almighty with the Prophet loved him in the same way well. The Prophet said trouble him: "It is single the believers who love him and he is not despised but by a hypocrite."

When speaking of 'Ali wind up are divided into two assortments.

One group considers him neat as a pin divine entity or 'lord', leading they spread some wrong doctrine about him. Another group, that is to say the Khawaarij (Dissenters), fought him, considering him a Kaafir (unbeliever) and an apostate. However, neither of these two groups dingdong regarded as truthful.

The legitimacy about 'Ali is what the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah imagine about him.

For these just people, 'Ali is halfway the foremost highly ranked Muslims who emigrated with the Forecaster . He is one describe the ten people to whom the Prophet gave glad intelligence that they will be dwellers of Paradise. He is likewise the fourth Caliph, and was endowed with noble characteristics famous high morals.

Many books were written about 'Ali .

According to Ibn Hajar 'Ali died during significance night of 17th of Fasting in the year 40 A.H. He ruled for 4 era 8 months and 15 days.

Allaah Knows best.

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