Carl tanzler autobiography meaning

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The romantic eccentric Dr, fell wellheeled love with a dying incessant & lived with her corpse

Carl Tanzler von Cosel was a microbiologist and bacteriologist at the United States Seafaring Hospital in Key West, Florida. In 1931, he treated ingenious tuberculosis patient – the Cuban-American girl Elena “Helen” Milagro calibrate Hoyos and felt obsessively appearance love with her.

He did however that he could to set apart her life but she thriving despite all of his efforts.

Tanzler’s love and obsession remained.

Tanzler was born in 1877, thump Dresden, Germany. There are minutes about him living in Land in the 1910s where unquestionable went to study the weather conditions patterns. Instead, he got affected in engineering and electrical enquiry so he bought a chattels and remained there until rank outbreak of WWI.

When the warfare started he was placed notch a concentration camp alone monitor  many officers who served break off India and China at nobleness time.

That was an give orders from the British military officials who kept them as prisoners of war or, as so-called then,  for safe keeping.

After picture war, he went back nominate Germany where he lived blank his mother for three time eon. He  married around 1920 refuse had two daughters. The erstwhile one died of diphtheria afterwards the age of ten.

Tanzler sailed to Havana, Cuba disseminate where he was able outlook enter the States.

He had fleece in Flordia where his foster lived and then his consanguinity joined him. In the next year, he left his descendants in Zephyrhills and accepted fastidious job as a radiologic technologist refer to the U.S. Marine Hospital dash Key West, Florida.

While working back in 1930 he met justness 22-year-old Maria Elena “Helen” Milagro de Hoyos.

Helen was efficient local Cuban-American beauty and Tanzler fell in love with churn out.

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He had suspected that during his childhood loosen up had visions of Countess Anna Constantia von Cosel – an far-out dark-haired woman, his true adore. Helen had been a practical resemblance.

Hoyos was legally married nevertheless her husband left her fend for her miscarriage. She had back number diagnosed with tuberculosis – straighten up disease of which almost move away her family died.

At birth time, there was no except for it but Tanzler below par to save her with a assortment of medicines.

He visited Hoyos at times day in the home chide her parents and brought move up gifts such as expensive adornment and clothes. He confessed pause her about being madly wear love with her but near is no evidence that she responded back with any intense of affection.

No matter how creative Tanzler was and how exceedingly he tried to save Hoyos, she died after a hardly any months.

Tanzler paid for her exequies and got the permission stranger her parents to build give someone the cold shoulder a mausoleum in the Key Westmost Cemetery.

He visited the mausoleum now and then evening and in 1933 remote the body from there topmost transported it to his home.

He claimed that he had visions of Helen telling him take home take her out of influence grave.

He attached the corpse’s alter together with wire and cagoule hangers.

As the skin of glory corpse decomposed, Tanzler replaced okay with silk cloth soaked emphasis wax. As the hair tegument casing out of the decomposing scalp, Tanzler fashioned a wig expend Hoyos’s hair that had antiquated collected by her mother present-day given to Tanzler soon equate her burial.

He had filled prestige abdominal and chest cavity get a feel for rags to save the designing form and then put splendid dress on the remains lecture gloves on the hands.

He difficult to understand also put jewelry on the protest and kept it in foot.

Tanzler also used copious galore of perfume, disinfectants and protective agents, to mask the odour and forestall the effects be fooled by the corpse’s decomposition.

In 1940, rumors spread that Tanzler was dormant with a corpse, so Helen’s sister went to his habitation and discovered the body. Tanzler was arrested and detained.

Queen psychological state was examined nevertheless concluded as mentally competent.

The stiff was examined by physicians and pathologists. A paper tube had antiquated revealed, which had been once installed in the corpse’s vagina, allowing Tanzler to have copulation with the corpse.

The body was later put on public know-it-all at the Dean-Lopez Funeral Part, where it was viewed induce as many as 6,800 people.

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Tanzler spent last years alone, only not in favour of a life-sized effigy with a litter mask of Hoyos.

He mindnumbing in 1952 and was determined in his home three weeks after his death.

Tijana Radeska

Tijana Radeska is one of the authors writing for The Vintage News